Passengers who require special assistance
People with disabilities in the United Arab Emirates, known as 'People of Determination' (POD), receive special assistance from Dubai Airports. From parking to baggage collection, Dubai Airports ensures inclusive design across all facilities, considering both visible and non-visible disabilities. Collaboration with partners enables Dubai International (DXB) and Dubai World Central (DWC) to provide a wide range of services for passengers with impairments.
Services For All PODs
Services For Physical Impairments
Services For Visual Impairments
Services For Hearing Impairments
Medical And Emergency Facilities
Hidden Disabilities
Taxi Services
Dubai Taxi Corporation provides dedicated taxis for POD customers. These taxis are designed for comfort and can be easily identified by their size, red roof, and blue icons on the side passenger doors and back window. Our drivers are trained and certified to assist individuals with visual and physical impairments. You can book this service through the Dubai Taxi Corporation and Careem apps.
- Cost..............................................................POD card holders get a 50% discount on the rate of the taxi.
- Contact.........................................................Dubai Taxi Corporation’s 24/7 call centre is 800 88088. Customers can also email
- FAQs............................................................For FAQs on POD taxis, click here. For general FAQs on Dubai Taxis, click here
- Terms and Conditions..................................For terms and conditions, click here.